I got suspended from work on full pay yesterday until next week... The weather is great and I earnt ~£90 today playing with my son and walking around the shops with him and the missus. So, all things considered, this week has been really good!!!

My suspension is related to an accident I had in the truck, which wasn't my fault and it's a company procedure for me to stay off whilst they investigate.
The Story;
I was at Audi in Stockport on Thurs afternoon, to collect their waste card and paper. I had to reverse the truck (32T Scania) through a tight (11' wide, the truck is 9'2" wide), angled gateway after turning around on the forecourt (space approx 30' square) amongst the R8s etc. Now, I got through the gate in reverse, no problem. But, my banksman (had his HGV Licence for 3 years longer than me for the record, although I'm in a senior position) told me to stop and to move forward in order to straighten up to avoid the building to my left which has a low overhang on the roof...
I moved forward, approx 1MPH (it hasn't even registered as movement on the Tacho) and I heard a metallic jangling. I know what you're thinking, I've hit an Audi. Wrong. The rear end of my truck has an overhang (width ways each side) of about 3", this had hit a metal gate post. A metal gate post that I couldn't see in my mirror because there was a 12' high wall in front of it. A wall that I'd positioned the truck about 10" away from. My banksman hadn't seen the gate post either because he was on the other side of the truck...
The gate post wobbled. The gate post hit the wall. The wall, it seems, was made from spit and tissues and had been built by somebody without the gift of ''bricklaying ability''. The wall fell over. And landed. On top of a 59 plate Audi A4. Error.
But, it was a diesel, so that's one less sales rep driving like a tw@t on the road next week whilst he waits for a new car.
I've got a couple of pics which I'll post up once the investigation is finished.