sunroof leak

anyone has a manual to remove the rooflining and all the needed trim? dont want to give the car to renault as I see it will be quite a few hours and dont want to pay them 300 pounds just to get a leak fixed, thinking of doing it myself...

a big job coming up as I've seen there's plenty to take off, including B-pillar seatbelt mounts, so I would also need to find out at what torque to screw them back on,

if anyone has a pdf manual or something I could do with just a few pages,

help appreciated!
Cant really tell now, thought it was the windscreen leak at first, the water appeared down on the passenger side, runs down the door seal, when I took it off it was wet all the way up to where it meets the rooflining, I then took a look at it and the water runs from somewhere around the B pillar down the inside of the rooflining and then finds its way to the inside of the seal and runs inside it all the way down into the passengers foot rest area, definitely must be the sunroof then... next time I'll spec cup chassis instead :smile: but for now I need to get it fixed asap... anyone bought the manual off ebay and could share a couple of pages ?