HIYA MES !!! Really good to hear from you stranger. Hope you and yours are well too buddy ? We're good this end thanks for asking. Aslong as this blooming white stuff doesn't make a showing again this weekend :-(
(I'll try to keep this as brief as - because i'm just so excited by it right now): Let's get to my passion first. Holidays ! Well....."Travel" (?). I'm getting hooked mated. And New York was ridiculously good. Better than we even imagined. And being there at Xmas just made it a bit more special. We loved it - but returned and immediately booked Vegas - being of the nature to never visit anywhere twice / World is too big a place and all that. Aswell as already having a cheapish week away in Cyprus Early May, and Mexico already booked.
Couple of weeks went by and after i'd started to research possible trips ref Vegas, what we'd do there, some points of interest, sights to see etc etc i was struggling to get the wife to talk about it much. "Whats up" i said "Nothing" she replied....."We need to get Cyprus done first - then we'll concentrate on Vegas". "I can see through you" i came back with.
Then she hit me with the bombshell: "I just can't get New York out of my mind"..... "Neither can i to be honest" i countered with without hesitating. It had really gotten under our skin badly. Unlike anywhere else i've / we've ever been.
So we immediately looked at going back again, trying to find suitable dates, wondering how we'd afford it with everything else going on here and wondering what my work would have to say about all my time off. Then the 3 kids announced they wanted to come too. Cripes !!!! And all being teeneagers /'mum' figured and chucked into the mix it might be our last family hol together. So after explaining the potential costs there; in i think our first ever "Family meeting" and there would have to be cutbacks if we did the trip......culmination is we're all back to NYC at the end of August in the school hols and me and mum are desperately working every hour possible to make sure we really do it properly and somehow fund this lifestyle we can't really afford right now. My wifes actually working 3 jobs ! It's not quite as bad as i make out....but suffice to say this years holiday commitments could have bought some serious metal if you were that way inclined.
If we can scramble enough together we may go back to NYC at Xmas too. 5 hols a years ? Pahhhh. I laugh in the face of incoming bankruptcy

We've really, really, really got the NYC bug bad i tell you. It just consuming us right now. Next year i think we're going to Airbnb it and go for a reasonably prolonged period.
Anyway: I've said my part regarding cliques and 'selfish' (Harsh ?) people only coming on for themselves and purely being 'takers'. Time will tell and no point me saying the same drivel twice...
I did see Mrs M had a new position and had embarked on a serious new pay-scale. Good for her ! Is she considering chopping the Clio in then ? Can't persuade her to keep and buy another car aswell-as Mes ? Yes i do have a daily mate. If the Clio stays it will only ever be a weekend toy in summer now whatever....
Thanks for the kind words. Would have expected no less from yourself. Class is permanent
Hope i've not bored you to tears with non-car chat.
See you around bud. We MUST meet-up this year. BOTH in Clio's too