Seat Harnesses

Has anyone fitted Harnesses to their Clio?

If so which ones did you go for and what else did you need to fit them?

Thanks :wink:
I can't help with manufacturers... Just note that fitting harnesses without a roll cage is dangerous. A roll cage will prevent the roof from crushing easily in the event of a roll or other type of accident. A harness will prevent you from ducking.
Ben_r1 has fitted them in his 197. He did a tutorial but the pics are all gone.

As for who to go for. You have a few reputable ones: Williams, Sabelt, Sparco
I wouldn't bother with a harness on the road, or even for a few track days a year TBH. I'd just get one of the CG locks, and have most of the benefits of a harness, without the hassle. (And like Cup says, it won't prevent you from ducking, or leaning to look at junctions etc.)
For the road I reckon they'd be too restrictive. However for the track I reckon they'll be superb as they'll obviously keep you where you wanna be. Smack bang in the middle of the seat.
Another piece of info for safety when using harness's - if you not attaching them to an rollcage bar, then get a specialist harness bar which attaches to the old seat belt mounts and this then keeps the belt straps horizontal & high to back of seats because if you run the belt straps down to the rear floor then in accident it puts massive increased stress on belts which is then transferred to your collar bones and chest
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Too many people fit them to try look good, but end up doing it wrong and putting themselves in more danger than they were before.
Another piece of info for safety when using harness's - if you not attaching them to an rollcage bar, then get a specialist harness bar which attaches to the old seat belt mounts and this then keeps the belt straps horizontal & high to back of seats because if you run the belt straps down to the rear floor then in accident it puts massive increased stress on belts which is then transferred to your collar bones and chest

True but you can cross the harnesses over when mounting to the floor as long as over a certain angle. that's what I was advised when fitting mine by the manufacturer. think its scroth or similar.
On track/driver training I was always told only ever use harness's with either roll cages & harness bars, Floor mounting was dangerous for reasons given and these guys are professionals so have no doubts about what they told me.

Plus on the road as mentioned being able to duck is very important, here's a scenario your driving along foreign speeding arctic lorry jack knifes in front of you and you gotta duck or get decapitated not even a roll cage would stop that ripping the top off the car & your upper body with it.