
..lots of stuff...

Not sure if I agree completely Webby, but i'm pretty much with you (and it was very well written!). The new Government are very BAD at staying in touch with the lower classes and the youths/students in this country. They've done themselves no favours with very publicly turning their back on things like student fees EMA etc.

TBH this was bound to happen after labour spoon fed the country benefits for so long until we have this culture of people expecting and relying on the government to provide for them and to give nothing back. For me the country is behaving like a baby thats had its bottle taken away from it or a crack head going cold turkey, and it needs to be disciplined! :jumpon:
Did anyone just hear about the woman that took her child with her to help her looting?!?!

Off with her womb!
If only the police were allowed to batter fudge outta them all!

agree... political correctness gone mad... I watched a chap batter the fck out out of a riot officer with a piece of wood.. and the copper had to run off... imagine if the camera would have caught the PC bopping the bloke back - he'd probably lose his job!! That's why this country is now a joke... kids aren't scared of the police...or anyone... no respect for adults, teachers anything..

I felt sick watching it yesterday... as someone mentioned... most of them probably on benefits or out of control kids, don't give a crap about anything or anyone, smashing up all the stuff working people have payed for, and costing us even more now with all the damage (insurance, extra police etc)...

As for the racism in the police card... what has that got to do with vandalism, looting, crime, beating people up!
We had a public disorder form come through today at work (river island) telling us what to do if the looting started at river island!

I'm awaiting to see where else gets attacked tonight!
We had a public disorder form come through today at work (river island) telling us what to do if the looting started at river island!

I'm awaiting to see where else gets attacked tonight!

They said there was a load of police up Merry Hill today mate did you see anything???
Absolutely disgusted to see this kind of behaviour in the UK.

Even more devastated to see the Reeves family furniture business burnt to the ground after surviving 5 generations, 140 years and 2 world wars, as well as a major depression.

If you dont know who the Reeves are, this is their part time hobby after many many years of racing in the past:
Did anyone see the guy on the bbc special at 11am that was being helped up by the crowd? Looks like he took a good knock to the head, they helped him to his feet saw he wasnt badly injured then two black guys robbed him lol. :rofl:

really sums up a culture


Giro day?

Says a lot doesn't it!?!?!?
Was nice to see all the locals out cleaning the mess up
Fair play to them
This has absolutely nothing to do with cuts or a Greece like affair. This is complete thuggery by a particular class of people, that will never want to take part in society, that are happy with illegal activities and benefits and rely on society to give them, 'wot they're owed.'

Only in a socialists wet dream would there be a society that is equal. It's a lovely fluffy idea, but it will never happen. You need look no further than failed equal experiments like communism to see that there are always those that will be richer. Am I saying capitalism is the best answer - no. But it's the only thing we have at the moment.

This Government had no choice but to cut what we were spending. We're still spending more as a country than we can afford - to the tune of £130 billion. If they didn't do this, then we really would be in a Greece situation, accepting handouts from all over Europe. That is the legacy of Labour. It is the last Governments fault for spending more than we could afford over the last 10 years.

But we are best placed in Europe for any country repaying it's debt. That is a good thing. We still have our triple AAA ratings because of this Governments actions.

Well said fella!

I think that we need to put a cold, hard stop to this - I really don't care how we do it, it just needs to be done. I don't see why a minority get to ruin it for the rest of us. This country would be better off if the sponging dicks were eradicated. If the army were called into towns and cities this would be over in 30 mins - the wimps (all of them) would run scared back to mummy.

Short term pain, long term gain...
The one overriding and British thing I have found has come out of this is a sense of humour:

'Going to the Winchester, having a pint and waiting for all this to blow over' - Shaun of the Dead quote - FB Group
'Not smashing up your own city 'cause you're a decent human being' - FB Group
'Not rioting in London because my tracksuit is in the wash' - FB Group
'All these Nandos on fire, that's some over cooked chicken wings' - Example
'FFS, even the animals are looting...' -
What we need to do is phone Top Gear, get the address for that army warehouse, get ourselves some tanks and go sort this all out...