This has absolutely nothing to do with cuts or a Greece like affair. This is complete thuggery by a particular class of people, that will never want to take part in society, that are happy with illegal activities and benefits and rely on society to give them, 'wot they're owed.'
Only in a socialists wet dream would there be a society that is equal. It's a lovely fluffy idea, but it will never happen. You need look no further than failed equal experiments like communism to see that there are always those that will be richer. Am I saying capitalism is the best answer - no. But it's the only thing we have at the moment.
This Government had no choice but to cut what we were spending. We're still spending more as a country than we can afford - to the tune of £130 billion. If they didn't do this, then we really would be in a Greece situation, accepting handouts from all over Europe. That is the legacy of Labour. It is the last Governments fault for spending more than we could afford over the last 10 years.
But we are best placed in Europe for any country repaying it's debt. That is a good thing. We still have our triple AAA ratings because of this Governments actions.