redundancy advice / experience


"the new red baron"
right guys got about 2 week before i have to "volunteer" to go and take a severance package or be pushed out the door on statuary terms!

so anyone any advice or experience or tips that might help as never faced this before :001_unsure:
All I remember when I was made redundant 20 yr ago was that they gave me 1 mnth money and said I could have as much time of to go look for work as I wanted
Have you been informed that you are "at risk" ? Happy to discuss with you Si been through this twice before.
I went through this 7 years ago, I thought the world had ended at the time, but when I look back now, it was a cloud with silver lining.

I am quietly worried about my job at the moment, and that on its own has opened another door to another way of life :swiss:

You'll get through it :smile:
Sorry to hear about this si. All i can say is get looking for more work as it is picking up and snatch there hand off if its a decent offer its up hill from there
Have you been informed that you are "at risk" ? Happy to discuss with you Si been through this twice before.

been going on for months and months - got a vaguely worded letter saying that i have 4 weeks in which to get a job internally or they could force me to be redundent - my time is up 21st july....
Sorry to here it mate, I was is the same position a few months ago. They really messed me about though, told me I was going to be made redundant, then when I told them I had found another job they said I was needed. I just started applying for new jobs on the net as soon as I found out. I felt absolutely crap when I found out, but I've found another job.
been going on for months and months - got a vaguely worded letter saying that i have 4 weeks in which to get a job internally or they could force me to be redundent - my time is up 21st july....

Ah, suitable alternative employment? Is there anything you have applied for?

Once your 4 weeks is up they have to give you 90 days notice iirc?
Ah, suitable alternative employment? Is there anything you have applied for?

Once your 4 weeks is up they have to give you 90 days notice iirc?

yeh thats about right about the sae - but they havent mentioned anything about 90 days

i applied for 2 lower ranked jobs - well within my capabilities - got knocked back for not meeting the "selection criterior" - i was told my rank would/could count against me :@
You need to look into the company redundancy procedure, they can't just put you at risk then get rid of you on 21st July, there are rules in place for the notice that has to be given and I'm sure it's 90 days, or depends upon your lenght of employment, let me know if you want me to double check for you.

Might be worth going a bit of research so you know your rights, try :smile:
Ah, suitable alternative employment? Is there anything you have applied for?

Once your 4 weeks is up they have to give you 90 days notice iirc?

Unfortunately they dont have to actually give you 90 days notice, only whatever is stated in contract of employment. The 90 days statutory notice period only actually applies to what the company has to give the dss, just to tell them in 90 days time x amount of people will be released from their employment

Good luck Si

What field do you work in by the way?
Si, my honest opinion ...

Take the voluntary redundancy at the last possible moment. Go home and be happy you've come home with twice the amount they would of given you if the kicked you out in a few weeks anyway. Then have a few week off to sort other issues out. Then get/rent yourself a small workshop and set yourself up as a part time or full time mechanic. Sit back and watch the money flow in as everyone within 100 miles chooses to use you, who they can trust with their car, and know you know what you're doing.

Si, my honest opinion ...

Take the voluntary redundancy at the last possible moment. Go home and be happy you've come home with twice the amount they would of given you if the kicked you out in a few weeks anyway. Then have a few week off to sort other issues out. Then get/rent yourself a small workshop and set yourself up as a part time or full time mechanic. Sit back and watch the money flow in as everyone within 100 miles chooses to use you, who they can trust with their car, and know you know what you're doing.


thanks mate made me smile that :cloud9:

i have been thinking that but not sure - if i do leave i am going to have a few weeks off before getting another job (hopefully) :huh:
I know a guy who has just set up his own garage etc.
Charges 25 quid/hour not vat registered.
He took the risk...and has not looked back!
Order books constantly full!
Because he provides a good,reliable service charges reasonable prices and is willing to go the extra mile at times!
Id say go for it mate...
Good luck anyway 8)
Si, my honest opinion ...

Take the voluntary redundancy at the last possible moment. Go home and be happy you've come home with twice the amount they would of given you if the kicked you out in a few weeks anyway. Then have a few week off to sort other issues out. Then get/rent yourself a small workshop and set yourself up as a part time or full time mechanic. Sit back and watch the money flow in as everyone within 100 miles chooses to use you, who they can trust with their car, and know you know what you're doing.


Totally agree.

I know a guy who has just set up his own garage etc.
Charges 25 quid/hour not vat registered.
He took the risk...and has not looked back!
Order books constantly full!
Because he provides a good,reliable service charges reasonable prices and is willing to go the extra mile at times!
Id say go for it mate...
Good luck anyway 8)

Honestly mr tax man, i earnt £20 less than the VAT qualifying amount.
Si, my honest opinion ...

Take the voluntary redundancy at the last possible moment. Go home and be happy you've come home with twice the amount they would of given you if the kicked you out in a few weeks anyway. Then have a few week off to sort other issues out. Then get/rent yourself a small workshop and set yourself up as a part time or full time mechanic. Sit back and watch the money flow in as everyone within 100 miles chooses to use you, who they can trust with their car, and know you know what you're doing.


Yup couldn't agree more Jim!!

Actually now you mention it my service is coming up in a few months.... :wink:
I know a guy who has just set up his own garage etc.
Charges 25 quid/hour not vat registered.
He took the risk...and has not looked back!
Order books constantly full!
Because he provides a good,reliable service charges reasonable prices and is willing to go the extra mile at times!
Id say go for it mate...
Good luck anyway 8)

£25 an hour i know a guy who charges triple that and his order book/ workshop is overflowing. because he knows every1. . . . and i mean every1 lol