Price of petrol


Just so nobody has ago at the oil companies!

But as I make it, I'd say V-Powers better haha :smile:

The main thing people need to remember, it's not all about RON & MON etc. In my personal I'd prefer a fuel to look after my engine and give me the performance, and pay an extra £1 a tank over other supers.
I don't get as many miles from momentum and car always feels rough but what I did find funny was that ever since I fitted the piper x filter car felt crap so removed it. Yesterday decided to re fit it and fill up with v power now runs great with the piper x and more mpg. I don't know maybe its a placebo effect or I've had bad fuel lately lol

I get more mpg with v power as well mate
Yep we pay some of the highest duty on fuel BUT we're in the 4 lowest (income) taxed of the 27 EU countries. We pay more tax than the states slightly but the cost of living is much higher for your average yank and many of us wouldn't have routine access to healthcare if we lived there or in other insurance based systems where we'd pay through the nose to get what we take for granted here via the NHS.

Would rather have expensive fuel and free healthcare.
Yep we pay some of the highest duty on fuel BUT we're in the 4 lowest (income) taxed of the 27 EU countries. We pay more tax than the states slightly but the cost of living is much higher for your average yank and many of us wouldn't have routine access to healthcare if we lived there or in other insurance based systems where we'd pay through the nose to get what we take for granted here via the NHS.

Would rather have expensive fuel and free healthcare.


We can't have it all. We're really not that badly done to here in the grand scheme of things.
putting vat on a fuel theres a scam tax a tax :whatever:

fuel tax doesnt go on "nhs"...thats what your ni tax contributions were supposed to be for!

we have no money and are in the poo over finances but overseas aid has gone up and we can bankroll wars in foreign countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry but if we are that seriously in it then we need to as a priority concentrate on no1 and thats THIS country - india has more millionaires than us :whatever:
I agree with foxspeed on this one, don't see the justification for us getting shafted when money is being spent away from our nation! We didn't put us in this mess!
1,38 GBP per Liter....damn that's a lot...
We're paying 1,35 for 95+ in Croatia, while average salary is 600 GBP :sleep:

It's kind of funny that we're now paying such figures per litre when couple years back when oil barrel was almost 150$ we paid considerably less..
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Overseas aid is a smokescreen for enhancing trade relations and a convenient Daily Mail rhetorical point. You actually think we're philanthropists when it comes to developing nations - utter tosh. It's a diplomatic tool.

The real point is that relative to most other OECD countries we are not getting shafted. Difficult to argue with the stats.

If you want to argue that fuel duty is not a form of progressive taxation and that we should cut it and actually tax income and wealth more then that's a different matter and one which I'd agree wholeheartedly with.

UK - overall tax burden and cost of living actually not that bad. Where that tax burden falls and how debateable.

Shall we have a 197/ question time as well as how fast :lol:
Overseas aid is a smokescreen for enhancing trade relations and a convenient Daily Mail rhetorical point. You actually think we're philanthropists when it comes to developing nations - utter tosh. It's a diplomatic tool.

The real point is that relative to most other OECD countries we are not getting shafted. Difficult to argue with the stats.

If you want to argue that fuel duty is not a form of progressive taxation and that we should cut it and actually tax income and wealth more then that's a different matter and one which I'd agree wholeheartedly with.

UK - overall tax burden and cost of living actually not that bad. Where that tax burden falls and how debateable.

Shall we have a 197/ question time as well as how fast :lol:

to honest i dont give a toss what the money is for but i do object to it going to countries that spend money on nuclear research and a space programme - thats a fact!

as for taxation etc try telling that to all those that have lost their jobs about cost of living - over the last few years this country has got expensive and i am not talking government produced statistics that show otherwise i am on about REAL LIFE here i am talking about my own money being used up more by price rises etc plenty of talk about keeping wages under control etc but if prices cannot be stabilised then what do you do....this country is going back to the big divide on those that have and can to those that cant have either choice!

and fuel shouldnt be taxed and then taxed again - this is a carbon based economy and transportation system and governments should know that - the american administration hasnt put up fuel prices in years....wonder why!
to honest i dont give a toss what the money is for but i do object to it going to countries that spend money on nuclear research and a space programme - thats a fact!

as for taxation etc try telling that to all those that have lost their jobs about cost of living - over the last few years this country has got expensive and i am not talking government produced statistics that show otherwise i am on about REAL LIFE here i am talking about my own money being used up more by price rises etc plenty of talk about keeping wages under control etc but if prices cannot be stabilised then what do you do....this country is going back to the big divide on those that have and can to those that cant have either choice!

and fuel shouldnt be taxed and then taxed again - this is a carbon based economy and transportation system and governments should know that - the american administration hasnt put up fuel prices in years....wonder why!

we're actually agreeing i think. you're right. of course the working man / poorer man is getting shafted, they always do.

saying that UK cost of living / tax is 'not that bad' was the wrong way to put it. compared to other developed nations as individuals we are not taxed that badly. that's exactly the problem along with the fact that corporate tax and regulation is so lax that ordinary people are perpetually shafted at the expense of big business.

what we actually need is more taxation, but of the right people and of the corporations who avoid it and are allowed to do so, whilst weakening working conditions and deflating wages to increase margins and dividends.

BUT when we cry about being overtaxed generally or the price of petrol being too much without also saying actually you need to tax the right people and corporations more and cut the flat rates of taxation which are regressive (VAT, fuel and other duties etc.) it's actually playing into the hands of those who want to cut taxes for the rich / corporations.

so you're right and I agree with you but just shouting petrol's too much and a tax and on tax, or 'rip off britain', or we're taxed too much, doesn't get at the heart of the matter.

power to the people comrade
p.s. the yanks don't put up fuel duty because it's political suicide, nothing to do with the economy. They're more in the mire more than us and being poor in the states is like being in the third world compared to being poor in the UK.
Not to sound mean but if all the money from income tax is spent on welfare then everything else needs to be paid for from something else. I.e education, NHS, army, etc.

Thats why I believe in a smaller state which doesnt need as much money to run itself hence cheaper taxes, meaning cheaper cost of living.
Not to sound mean but if all the money from income tax is spent on welfare then everything else needs to be paid for from something else. I.e education, NHS, army, etc.

Thats why I believe in a smaller state which doesnt need as much money to run itself hence cheaper taxes, meaning cheaper cost of living.

But the state is education, NHS, army etc. not just the 'welfare state'.

Smaller state = more provision in private for profit sector = higher prices.

US healthcare spend is the highest per capita in the world with below average outcomes.

Energy and utility markets anyone?
Most of the time the wars we choose to fight usually end up making us a profit, do you think our government really give a **** about some small island just off the coast of Argentina? They would have you believe that but a few years later an oh look there is a massive oil reserve there, but hey might just be coincidence, afghan, plenty of rear precious metals there that are just waiting to be mined we just need our foot In the door, but like I said could just be coincidence theirs no proof