Good stuff
@Pav. You got any plans to take it for a nice long drive once you pick it up, say for instance up to Leeds for a remap
very tempting to do so..

not sure when i get it mapped..its a bit of a pain in the ass for me as i cant book a day off during a week.( apparently the teaching staff have enough time off

nevertheless its on my "to do list"..
Wow, big thread, I had started to read through it as I had read great things about the conversion, still have a lot of reading to do, I see it's not without it pain as well! I can't wait to see your thoughts on the conversion when you finally get to drive it which from what I gather will now be very soon
Bet it helps you forget about that lack of outside tap for a while! Lol
yeah people on here tend to be very chatty

hope you have found some of it useful..there are a few more members on here who had had it done..quite a good info as can always get in touch with any of us if you were interested in doing a meg conversion..
also still miss having no tap outside!!
Good news mate, bet your itching!!
itching is a mild word to describe it now..been a while..passed my test to drive the school minibus last week and when i was doing my practical exam,the guy had to ( very politely) ask me to slow down!!

drove a vehicle in a month..i was so happy , despite it being a 3.5 tun van with windows
The light at the end of the tunnel looms ever larger!
Fingers fully crossed for you mate.
many thanks..think i'll even sleep in it once its back to make up the lost time
Starting to drag a bit now Pav I bet....
Fingers, legs and eyes crossed for you
haha a crossed eyed Syer..cheers mate
Really good news Pav, I hope she comes back to you sooner rather than later! Nevermind waiting for the boost, how have you been coping without a car for so long?? :excited: Still cycling everywhere and giving the ladies of Manchester a treat in your lycra shorts?

as i said earlier,just not jinx it..will speak to Trev tmr so will know a bit more..
well you know when people say "I could not cope without a car" thats not entirely the truth..i've rather enjoyed being out there in the open air..even here in Manchester..the weather has been my friend really..only got drenched a few times

it rains here quite often!but loving the bike..great exercise and keeps you fit..
on the ladies front I have to admit that the winter time isnt best for hunting..thick coats,hats and no skirts make it a bit tricky to focus..
haha nothing too tight..may scare them off
Or the gentlemen

spot on..may just have given us an idea of what Jimmy's evenings look like when it gets a bit warmer