Omg omg omg


Platinum Member
Saw the Coke Cola, "holidays are coming" advert last night. This means its officially Xmas :clap::wiz::wiz:

Way way way to early lol

Walked passed someone's house yesterday and they already had a Christmas tree up!
Yeah I saw this last night too and it really wound me up! There is still 6 weeks until Christmas and I think it is getting ridiculous!

Bah humbug to all lol!
Nobby has to come on in a public place and shout "ITS CHRISTMAS" before it Christmas that's the law :wink:

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I went to Debenhams at the end of October and they had their trees up already! I walked in disgust (no exageration, I really did)!! The DFS ads started ages ago with Mariah on them and as I haven't seen the Cola ad yet as far as I'm concerned it isn't around!

Christmas lights go on in the village where I work tomorrow night and then in Leeds on Thursday and I can't wait to go the Christkindlemart!!!

It is stupid though how early it starts and I refuse to even buy anything in for Christmas until after Paul's birthday has passed.

My tree will be up December 1st :smiley:
I have started my shopping but only because I cant stand the last minute rush and like to relax from my birthday the week before Christmas.
Let us not forget Scotlands' answer to Coca Cola's Xmas advert:

Ours goes up start of December too although i feel less christmasy every year not the same with no Grandparents any more and just me mum and dad. :worried:

I started getting my presents in 2 weeks ago only bits as it seems harder to find things for people every year with out them being too rubbish
First off im not a scrouge, but does anybody else think ... bugger .. when christmas comes? usually at the end of October.

Braehead Shopping Centre in Glasgow has opened a Christmas Shop thats open all year round. So I saw the first xmas tree in August.

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