So, trying to keep this as up to date as I can.
ZPO is now installed and all sorted gearing wise, very simple to install, but I struggled with setting up reverse. All done now!
Taking advantage of Black Friday again, I managed to get myself a passenger Recaro for £700! Seeing how hard they are to get at the moment (apparently) I thought I’d never pick one up as cheap as that again.
MOT picked up a problem with the offside rear calliper, so taking a look at it without taking the wheel off, assumed it was a seized calliper. Thankfully for me a member was selling a brand new set on here for a reasonable price, win win! Changed them yesterday & installed PBS pads and in-fact it is the cable that is shot.. so two new cables have been ordered from RPD. Glad I changed the callipers regardless as they were looking a bit tired, but now making the carriers look shitty.
If anyone is after a set of rears to get refurbed, I will have them up for sale soon, failing that PM me!
And finally after trying to hunt down a carbon centre console blank, but not hearing many good reviews from my findings, with advice from
@Beany (no advice taken

) I have started giving it a bash myself. Won’t be carbon, just a painted finish.