My Full Fat Mistress - 293bhp F4RT - The end of an era...

Better hope your new found torque hasn't bent the chassis or anything :wink:

I'm sure it will be fine; anything serious you would have noticed :smile:

Very jealous of your new power level!

I'm hoping it will be ok although Ste did say that when he took the crash bar off the car wobbled like Jelly, fortunately the real bar that keeps the jelly together hasn't been touched so it should be ok.

I'm looking forward to hearing the final power figures from Ste later.

Can't wait to drive it, Ste took it home last night so its drivable. :wink:
I'm hoping it will be ok although Ste did say that when he took the crash bar off the car wobbled like Jelly, fortunately the real bar that keeps the jelly together hasn't been touched so it should be ok.

I'm looking forward to hearing the final power figures from Ste later.

Can't wait to drive it, Ste took it home last night so its drivable. :wink:

final power figures are being put up as last minute as possible just cause its soooooooo much fun doing it
Can't wait to see your car Angel, I just need to make sure it doesn't give me any urges of the spending & engine swap kind.