Might buy this car

£5k? You can do soooo many things with 5k buddyboy.

If it was me it would be a very good set of coilovers, a set of black light OZs and an Akrapovic for the soundtrack. The rest (which wouldn't be a lot lol) would be spent on petrol.

Or don't do anything and spend £5k on trips (with the car of course):wink:
I can see your reasoning for buying the LY. I think I'd go that way. I like new cars and if what you want is the same, but new, then that sounds like quite a good deal. Is it registered yet? It cost me £5k to change from my 3 year old Clio to my 2 year old Mazda (at the time). I don't like spending money on mods, because you'll never get your money back on them. So either way you look at it, you're going to loose money.
I'm not a fan of black cars but this black RS200 with Cup chassis looks great! The Liquid Yellow RS200 with silver wheels & standard chassis/silver brakes looks dreadful - and Liquid Yellow is my favourite colour!! :thumbdown:

Keep the black one & go for the stealth bomber look..... :thumbup:
I can see your reasoning for buying the LY. I think I'd go that way. I like new cars and if what you want is the same, but new, then that sounds like quite a good deal. Is it registered yet? It cost me £5k to change from my 3 year old Clio to my 2 year old Mazda (at the time). I don't like spending money on mods, because you'll never get your money back on them. So either way you look at it, you're going to loose money.

I agree here too.

I bought new with mine, can't beat a new car. Plus you will loose money, but people also spend ££££ on mods, I'm enjoying mine standard with just a panel filter. I've moved on, before I'd spend everything on mods, I just like a clean standard car these days. But, the Clio is awesome out of the box, so it doesn't really need anything
Offered me £9K for mine so guess i"m paying £5K for a change of colour with less spec but i see alot of the other cars on here and they look great in different colours AG,White,Blue the list goes on .

You can make yours look great in black with some simple mod's and everyone will be thinking 'wish my 200 was black'
OZ Allegerita are the best looking wheel. OZ Ultraleggeras aren't far behind but most folk go for them.
Don't make the mistake I made in thinking that if you get another 200 it won't have the problems your first one had. I had no end of trouble with my 200 Cup and the whole front end was replaced and the moment it was all sorted I sold it and got a FF 200 which now needs a full respray due to garage f&&k ups. If I was you I would keep you black one and spend a little money on it just to make it feel different!

Renault have one last chance to corre t my paint and if they fail I might have some gloss black cup racer wheels up for sale. Would look amazing on a black car.

Good luck!
Keep the black and buy a set of Recaros to go in it if you have 5k sitting!?
Get them retrimmed at Edge to make them look even better. Lovely Akro evo and some alloys as the gents are discussing above!!
Just think - spend £5k on a lesser spec car than you have now, new model get discounted to push sales and your new car value plummets, £5k spent and depreciates another £4k - £5k
Could keep your black car and buy a weekend toy (MK2 Golf GTi, R5GTT, etc) and still have money left over