Bit of a shit update
The TRW top mounts I ordered from euro car parts ended up being corteco ones. They sent the complete wrong ones
So I figured "why not buy some Compbrake adjustable ones? [emoji2371]"
So I did.
Went about fitting them and all was well. Took about 4 hours to do one side yesterday as I was messing about too much [emoji23]
This morning I set about doing the other side, and it took about an hour. However the nuts did not look tight enough on the shock so I grabbed an impact and that's where it all went wrong.
Top of the B14 snapped..
So now I can't even test drive the car with the new top mounts..
Although I did get spacers back on the front
Looks mean again and I don't have studs sticking 6ft out of each side
Also got new rear window seals (Or whatever they're called)
Oh and a couple pictures of max camber just because..

For the time being the car is now unable to be driven so I've contacted bilstein in the hopes they can sell me a singular shock.
But yeah.. I'm very annoyed.
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