Keyless Entry - drivers door unlocks, but doesn't lock?

Hi, this may well be how it should be, but seems odd.

My keyless entry works fine, unlocks from both doors and the boot, but will only lock from the passenger door and the boot. When I try to lock using the button on the drivers door, nothing happens, but I know the button works as it unlocks. Is this normal? If not, what is the solution?

Thanks for your time!
the button on the outside of the door handle doesn't unlock the car, it is used to lock the car only, so i'd say the sensor on the inside of the handle is working fine, but the button is shot?
Bit of a common problem, mine does it too,. Some times it works other times it won't. Solution is new handle I'm afraid.
I'm just putting up with it for now and using the card to lock.
i know it sounds silly but have you tried a new battery the other keyfob? not saying that will work but you never know!
got the same prob with my boot switch at the moment
every so often it just wont open then its fine for ages