I did not know that...


Gordini 025/500
Platinum Member
I could lock the car from the middle of the renault badge at the back. Did it my mistake while drying it down.

I always went back to the door handle after being in the boot. :lol:
I studied mine for a couple of hours in the first week after picking the car up.... ;/

The see-me home lights are cool :tongueout:roud:
If you leave your keycard in the slot, open the door (whilst stationary) go around to the boot and press the Renault button twice you ....... just give it a go.
I think I found out in the same way as the OP, I was cleaning it and it locked while I was doing the boot lol!

Its really good and I think i use that one 90% of the time! Clever Renault :wink:
I couldn't think of anything begining with T DOH !!

Im alright for a tape measure, but if I could do with "time" being fast forwarded (is that a word) to my car arriving.. that begins with t and is something I need :wink: LOL

Anyway.. back on topic.. is there anything else handy we should know? im sure I remember seeing a thread somewhere with hints/things to know, might have been on RS though.
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You can unlock the car by using water...accidentally LOL

The cornering lights are handy, oh no, wait....
