Hogg's Albi 197 track car


Well almost a year has past since I posted any update on here. Car been resting since Octobre while I´ve been handlig life.
Have a massive urge to get to work on the Clio as we go into winter here soon.
Messed up big time when the car fell off a jack stand, damageing both (i think) inner and outer tie rods on the right side aswell as the side skirt....
Alongside with the tie rods and side skirt I´ve created a little wishlist for next season:

*Refurb of front subframe, new control arms and swivel joints?
*Minor oil leak from top of the engine.
*Re-do the brake cooling ducts
*Relocate washer fluid reservoir
*Timing belt
*3rd syncro replacement
*New clutch?
*Get the fan to work
*Remove inner roof
*Remove airbags
*Re-locate battery
*Light weight door cards
*Remove antenna
*Rear wing
*New rotors and pads
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Yesterday I continued my damage assesment from dropping the car from the jacks....
A major dent in the sill was the result and it will be tricky to pull that one out without taking it to a body shop. For now I will try and massage the upper part of the dent so the door can close without force.
Picked up at little tool from amazon for the inner tie rod job, now I just need the actual spare parts to arrive from Autodoc.