Has your gearbox been replaced? Yes or no?

Have you had the gearbox in your 197 / 200 replaced?

  • No - I'm still running the original gearbox

    Votes: 422 72.9%
  • Yes - I'm running a replacement gearbox

    Votes: 157 27.1%

  • Total voters
mines starting to act up a bit, sometimes its fine others its a bit notchy, no crunches yet though :smile: i might try changing the gearbox oil
WOW - what a thread.....

S**ting myself now as I put a deposit on a 2008, 197 Cup with 48k on saturday....

Got to ask - these crunches - I take it that they are pretty obvious? I took the car for a fairly spirited road test after warming up for 10 mins and I didnt notice anything untoward. Sort of reminded me of my scooby with its short shift.

Wish I had read this thread first tho...

I still havent bought the car in full, deposit I could potentially wear, so anything I can do to check it before I buy it?


Check and see if it has had any work previously. Sometimes they have the synchro's rebuilt as they go. My 197 gearbox recently went with 63k miles so I put a 200 box in it.
no mention of it in the pile of service docs/ paperwork...

it wouldn't if done under warranty, despite having a new box in the 200 my 197 one was fine. I'm not sure its as widespread as some suggest.

There are plenty of other cars with synchro issues.
said before the early 06 and 56 plate cars seem ok

the 08 and 200 seem to suffer most!
Hi everyone sorry to carry this old thread on but having read through it for over an hour I have the dreaded fourth gear crunch shifting up to fourth and down to fourth.

After convincing myself it was my driver error seat position or not clutching to the floor I'm now happy after reading this that it wasn't me and also have another car and never crunch the other.

So where to go now the car is a 200 on a 10 plate on 23,000 which is nothing in my opinion but is it best to give Renault uk a ring?? My extended warranty has just run out by a month and I currently have an open case with holly Ingram off RUK regarding a wearing recaro really peed off now as I don't want to pay mega money for a poorly built gearbox which they clearly won't admit to.
Hi everyone sorry to carry this old thread on but having read through it for over an hour I have the dreaded fourth gear crunch shifting up to fourth and down to fourth.

After convincing myself it was my driver error seat position or not clutching to the floor I'm now happy after reading this that it wasn't me and also have another car and never crunch the other.

So where to go now the car is a 200 on a 10 plate on 23,000 which is nothing in my opinion but is it best to give Renault uk a ring?? My extended warranty has just run out by a month and I currently have an open case with holly Ingram off RUK regarding a wearing recaro really peed off now as I don't want to pay mega money for a poorly built gearbox which they clearly won't admit to.

usual questions

1. how long have you had the car
2. has it got full renault service history
3. is this your first renault.

if the answers are
1. from new
2. yes
3. no i've had a few

you normally get a decent amount of support

if they are

1. 2 month
2. nope
3. first one

they are more than likely to offer you less.

i think they would offer around 50% with the second set of answers
usual questions

1. how long have you had the car
2. has it got full renault service history
3. is this your first renault.

if the answers are
1. from new
2. yes
3. no i've had a few

you normally get a decent amount of support

if they are

1. 2 month
2. nope
3. first one

they are more than likely to offer you less.

i think they would offer around 50% with the second set of answers

I would always recommend contacting customer services to see what they can offer !
Had it just over twelve months has Arnold Clark history previous but my last two were at Renault Chester and yeh my first Renault maybe I could tell a porkie there though haha

To say I'm gutted would be an understatement just paid for new exhaust and service mot and tax
I'll be honest and say they have never asked for proof of my Renault history and just asked what it was.

So none Renault history and then Renault history?
Had the car 3 months it's an 07plate though original gear box. Had new clutch last week .this week lost 5th and 6th gear and have to really push it into 1st and second going to see if it's covered by the warranty I got with the car. although I got the clutch on warranty hope they comply .think I've had enough of clios the French are only good at waving white flags.not building cars.
Mine is being rebuilt as we speak, it started to grind going in to 3rd from a higher gear, a company called Midland automatic transmissions are doing the rebuild, I've never heard of them before but seem ok, came and picked the car up from my house and have been giving me regular updates on it, mines done just over 80 thousand on a 57 plate, I luckily brought a AA warranty with the car so all the work is covered including a new clutch.
So would a "notchy" gearbox be worthy of a change? Im on 8k miles on a 60 plate and hearing the sound of gears being selected every now and then and just the general "notchyness" of having to be quite firm putting it into 3rd and 4th is worrying. Still have full warrenty until next February, any advice? Dont fancy forking out 75 quid for Renault to say its fine...
So would a "notchy" gearbox be worthy of a change? Im on 8k miles on a 60 plate and hearing the sound of gears being selected every now and then and just the general "notchyness" of having to be quite firm putting it into 3rd and 4th is worrying. Still have full warrenty until next February, any advice? Dont fancy forking out 75 quid for Renault to say its fine...

If its under warranty then ask them to look at it under warranty if your not happy, the box is notchy but its what you mean by "hearing the sound of gears being selected" and if your referring to it being notchy or crunching/grinding whilst going into gear.
Spoke to Renault and they have my car, within an hour had a call back and the gearbox being changed under warranty. So that's a 60 plate with 9,600 miles on it, and the gearbox is shafted; wicked.
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