Has your gearbox been replaced? Yes or no?

Have you had the gearbox in your 197 / 200 replaced?

  • No - I'm still running the original gearbox

    Votes: 422 72.9%
  • Yes - I'm running a replacement gearbox

    Votes: 157 27.1%

  • Total voters

Would you like to give some information about this syncro thing.

I know basically options are

1. ) Get new syncromesh parts + labour for standard 197 box
2. ) Get uprated / refurbhished 197/200 box?

Do you know if i choose option 1 how much will be parts & labour roughly for this kind of work? How much just for parts?

option 2:

If i buy another gearbox, how i can be sure there is those "uprated" syncros installed?. How much longer 6 gear is clio 200 box? I know that is different than 197.
Is there specialists who sell 197/200 boxes with repaired syncros?

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So anyone able to identify what's been done then? No points awarded for guessing they've changed some seals :wink:

looking at the parts list not a lot to be honest!

couple of synchro hubs and possibly a gear/hub as well - the rest are just seals and bearings that you usually change when the box is in bits

in the box theres 4 baulk rings the same and then 2 that look like triple synchroniser baulk rings - the normal ones are about £24 and the triples £30

i have a spare box but due to what going on at home not had time to strip it and have a look!
There is no refurbhished boxes available with uprated syncros?

dont think they are "uprated" just made from a different material

i have asked a dealers and they dont know whats been done to the gearboxes

some 197 gearboxes wear/fail but so do some 200 gearboxes - so it could be a faulty supply/batch of synchro hubs but not heard anything yet

the tl4 gearbox is in other renaults and i think it also fails in them as well :tongueout:anic:
dont think they are "uprated" just made from a different material

i have asked a dealers and they dont know whats been done to the gearboxes

some 197 gearboxes wear/fail but so do some 200 gearboxes - so it could be a faulty supply/batch of synchro hubs but not heard anything yet

the tl4 gearbox is in other renaults and i think it also fails in them as well :tongueout:anic:

Just thinking is it better solution to order new set of syncros from renault dealer and get my current gearbox rebuilded or order that box what is listed in ebay:

for that price its a no brainer - get the gearbox - by the time you have paid for removal and parts and rebuild reift....:bat:

Okay, shipping seems to be 94£ for Finland.

How many H of labour workshops do take?
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Do you know what is normal wear of clutch when car has been driven 60.000kilometres?
I just thinking if new clutch is required when doing gearbox change.
Do you know what is normal wear of clutch when car has been driven 60.000kilometres?
I just thinking if new clutch is required when doing gearbox change.

I change the clutch every 30kkm. :smiley:

Can someone elaborate on this: "uprated" syncros?

First time I hear of it.

Fortunately, I don't need it yet although 65kkm on the original box. :smiley:
Ok mine has developed a problem which is now booked in with renault to look at, im unable to select any gear from cold with engine running, when im trying push it in gear the car creeps forward as if the clutch is not dissengaging from the flywheel! if i turn engine off it pops straight in so this now points to the clutch. Once engine is warm its fine doesnt hav a problem, goes straight into gear no slipping or juddering either, question i hav is do the 197 use a hydraulic clutch or a cable clutch? Or could this be a pressure plate problem?
Ok mine has developed a problem which is now booked in with renault to look at, im unable to select any gear from cold with engine running, when im trying push it in gear the car creeps forward as if the clutch is not dissengaging from the flywheel! if i turn engine off it pops straight in so this now points to the clutch. Once engine is warm its fine doesnt hav a problem, goes straight into gear no slipping or juddering either, question i hav is do the 197 use a hydraulic clutch or a cable clutch? Or could this be a pressure plate problem?

clutch is hydraulic - uses the fluid from the brake master cylinder
4th gear crunch

Started gettin a crunch when drop it in to 4th gear read that loads a people have had the same problem. Cars booked in to be looked at as it's still under warranty just wondering if any one has had any problems with them refusing to fix it under the warranty
Mine had a slight crunch when changing into 2nd only when cold, once warm it was fine but i told Renault i wasn't happy so they put a new gear box in.
Unfortunatly its just the same as before, only thing different is i have a nice silver gear box rather than a dirty dull old one.
Maybe they are meant to crunch? who knows!!
Mine has intermittently started to crunch going into fourth, nightmare! It's now out of extended warranty (ended 28th March) but I had the 3rd/4th synchro's replaced under warranty last year. I didn't get any paperwork from Renault after they carried out the work, so what are the chances of it being covered? Is there such a thing as 12 month guarantee on work carried out?

Might be a call to RUK, only 35k on an 08 reg, with replaced synchro's last year. :thumb1:
Mine has intermittently started to crunch going into fourth, nightmare! It's now out of extended warranty (ended 28th March) but I had the 3rd/4th synchro's replaced under warranty last year. I didn't get any paperwork from Renault after they carried out the work, so what are the chances of it being covered? Is there such a thing as 12 month guarantee on work carried out?

Might be a call to RUK, only 35k on an 08 reg, with replaced synchro's last year. :thumb1:

need to ask them - if parts are fitted whilst the car is under "normal" warranty then the parts are only covered for that period

if however you have parts/work carried out of warranty they should be covered by a 12month warranty via the renault dealership