Well where to start lol...
I know everyone has a different opinion on their 'ideal' car prep methods, so this is just my take on it all, it is by no means gospel lol! :tongue_smilie:
I use 2 buckets, one for soap and one for rinsing
Heres something I mentioned over on 133.net, bestowing the need for two buckets and idealy a grit guard...
Quite a few of you will have heart about the now legendary TBM/2BM and thought what a load of

inky: ....
Having just had a look back through some of my pics, I re-found this shot, taken after a wash. One glass from the rinse bucket, so the stuff coming off the car. The other from the soapy wash bucket, so the water and soap going onto the car.
This wasn't pressure washed off first, as the P/W was broken. However, it was foamed with a Gilmour and hosed off before the wash to remove the easy to shift looser stuff.
Dunk the mitt into the soapy bucket, picking up a good portion of soapy water onto the panel. Wash a section, then rinse in the rinse bucket, rubbing against the grit guard to brush off anything. Wring out the mitt to remove as much mucky water and therefore small particles of dirt, then repeat.
The manky looking water was actualy taken from the water above the grit guard, not including the realy horrid stuff lurking at the bottom of the bucket.
Of all the detailing/cleaning products avaliable, a second bucket and grit guard are probably the best value for keeping wash damage to a minimum. You can however spend a packet on correcting any damage.