Good work my friend!
Just wandering, do you have any previous motorsport experience?
Look forward to seeing this progress
Not really, i used to race a motorbike in the late 80's and i used to help out a guy who raced superbikes, other than that it's just building track day cars for about 9 years.
wouldnt be Beach's RS would it?
cracking project mate, cant wait to see it abused!
No, a lad called bam, goes to the notts RS meets though.
What are you looking to compete in

look forward to this
Just building it for track days and ring trips.
I bought a damaged 57 plate clio to strip for parts as it was cheap, cheaper than buying a steering colum, pedals, tank and neck, dash parts, bumper brackets and loads of little brackets, clips and plugs i'll need so i spent easter stripping it to component form and cutting bits off to sell on, if anyone needs any 1200 16v bits get in touch.
It's saved me a small fortune allready, the steering colum is now part fitted, i've had to order a renaultsport part to hold the top of the colum and make it adjutable, i can pick that bit up at donington next week along with some other parts i've ordered, a spacer for the servo so i can get the pedals to line up and i think i'll buy some rear side windows if the cup racers have not smashed up all the stock on the renaultsport truck that weekend
The petrol tank fitted a treat and the 1.2 neck/filler lines up perfectly with the 197 flap so i was happy with that.
I saved all the wiring loom from the car too, i 'm not sure i want to tackle stripping that down to the bare basics to cut down on weight so i think i need to look out for a cup car loom or have one made up from scratch.
I've enjoyed taking this car apart, i now know how most things are fitted together now so i should not break things if i need to remove anything from my other 197