Clio is Cool or Chavvy?

Lol..... the times may say different especially now as the old girl actually works!.!
I think chavs are sometimes being mixed up with being teenage lads. Its very different. First cars, high insurance, first steps in moddin is easy access to Halfords. I've seen many a first car on here before buying a clio, and some look pretty chavvy to me!!!!

Chav's is not just a money thing, its more through your postcode, your peers and values I think.

The irony is I don't think chavvy people would buy the Clio 197 because they don't want to seen as 'stuck up' or middle classed!!! The reasons why they wouldn't want their kids going to certain schools or drink in certain pubs. The whole thing kind of works both ways.
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I asked this to the guys in work. They thought it was both chavvey but at the same time thought it was extremly cool. They thought the vents in the arches the bright red callipers etc was a bit chavvey but at the same time they also thought that was part of what made it look good and the performance/handling was what made it cool! confusing? I think so!
Not one girl I know likes my car. They think it's ridiculous. Surely that says it all?
However, a modestly coloured standard 197 is very cool, I reckoln.
I think JC put it very well a while back when he said that driving to work in an obvious performance car is like someone who likes fishing turning up in waders.
However, I guess that simply makes it uncool as opposed to chavvy...
I don't think there is a 'chav' car on sale, closest probably being the VXR.

It is what is done to it after it is bought that causes the chav-fest, particularly in the second-hand market! There are no new cars in the PH 'show cars' section.