Children on bikes

Just a little annoyed! On Sunday, I was parked up for 30 minutes at a friends house and about 5 of us saw a child riding a bmx! He lacked skill and was slightly wobbly to say the least! I thought nothing of it as I left plenty room to get past! However, I arrived at football and a friend of mine brought to my attention a large scratch from the door to the rear light! With no proof I attempted to confront the childs' parents and basically got told where to go!

The car is now in the bodyshop being professionally sprayed at my expense! This is just a word of warning really, if you are in a built up area with children playing and riding bikes, check your car or leave lots of room!
Aww mate dont get me started cyclists on the road are bad enough they have no insurance and are a luability

Anything on the road should carry some level of accidental damage cover. A while back some1 scraped there pedal down the side of my mums car......... Asked them to pay for the damage and got nowhere
Little Timmy cant do anything wrong though - I dont have kids as you can probably tell! I hate this attitude that most parents have that their little miracle is infallible. It really gets under my skin. That little brat needs a telling off and with any luck it wouldn't do it again. The only way for that to happen is for its parent to put their have in their pocket.

If they are going to have the kid, take responsibility for it....
What a nightmare. Similar happened to the car I had before I got the R27. The neighbours brat came into my garden on a Scooter which had no grips on the handlebars. He caught the car on side at the front and kept going leaving a massive deep scratch all the way along to the back. I could have broke his neck but that was not going to fix the scratch. It was pointless speaking to his parents, his Dad was in prison and his Mum just said don't do it again. Apparently she couldn't afford to pay for it cause she was on the dole, yet she's never short of thags or beer.

The only upside was it wasn't the R27. I had already had the car inspected as a part exchange for the R27 and when I took it I left it dirty to hide the scratch... Naughty I know but its alright for Car Sales punks to screw you so why not the otherway round. I also had my fair share of problems afterwards so I am glad in a way.
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Aww mate dont get me started cyclists on the road are bad enough they have no insurance and are a luability

Anything on the road should carry some level of accidental damage cover. A while back some1 scraped there pedal down the side of my mums car......... Asked them to pay for the damage and got nowhere

well said, couldnt agree more. They should have to comply with red lights to, next time i see a cyclist bumping up the kerb and going round the red light Im following suit. They should be able to get points, hippy *******s.

Have to stop myself before i rant about horses on the road next.
Aww mate dont get me started cyclists on the road are bad enough they have no insurance and are a luability

Anything on the road should carry some level of accidental damage cover. A while back some1 scraped there pedal down the side of my mums car......... Asked them to pay for the damage and got nowhere

Got to disagree with the first sentence big style. I'm a road cyclist and I'm considerate to other road users. Also I'm a member of British Cycling which, as part of the membership, includes liability insurance.

Me and my cycling mates are all the same so don't tar everybody with the same brush :angry:
Got to disagree with the first sentence big style. I'm a road cyclist and I'm considerate to other road users. Also I'm a member of British Cycling which, as part of the membership, includes liability insurance.

Me and my cycling mates are all the same so don't tar everybody with the same brush :angry:

Sadly conciderate and well mannered cyclists are in the minority, most are fat blokes weaving around on a main road when there's a cycle path 2 meters to the left of him.
The other half seem to mainly concist of road cyclists riding 2-3 abreast without any care for whats behind them (pretty sure they make mirrors for bikes or at least they must have flexible necks/ears).

This is of course just from my experiences of driving on the kind of roads cyclists frequent, I'm sure there are some out there that are conciderate but you don't notice them generally as you pass them without incident.
^^ from memory of the highway code you are allowed to cycle 2 abreast but no more! However when there is a queue of people stuck behind them would it be so hard to filter one behind each host for a few minutes to let everyone past?
I believe all cyclist should have some form of registration or something to cycle on the road, and I cycle a lot when my arms working.

On 2 occasions I've nearly had a cyclist run into the side of my car due to them jumping red lights which in itself really rattles me. If they had damaged my car I'd have been left with the bill which I think is wrong.
I've always found a good swerve in their direction as you pass makes them think twice, it's also highly effective against muppets on motorbikes (mom's) coming in the opposite direction when they are queue jumping, the widening of the eyes is quite amusing....
I've always found a good swerve in their direction as you pass makes them think twice, it's also highly effective against muppets on motorbikes (mom's) coming in the opposite direction when they are queue jumping, the widening of the eyes is quite amusing....

This post isn't about Cycilist's, but about teens on moped's!! utterly do my head in!!!!

Karma came round yesterday though, as their was these three mopeds traveling up my arse in a 30mph area. Then they decided to overtake me as I waited for a car in front of me to turn left. Thought nothing of it and let them carry on driving like :whatever:'s

Only to then turn round the corner to one of them on the floor after hitting a bollard trying to overtake another car. Me and the driver of the other car got out to see if he was ok, and then had a few choice words with him about his stupid driving!!
You have to be careful with bikers, a lot are skinny middle management / middle aged types who are trying to 'find themselves'.
Though some will boot in your door or take your wing mirrors off, red mist soon descends when someone looks to be trying to kill/injure you.....

Oh and that 'queue jumping' providing they aren't actually obstructing oncoming traffic is called filtering and quite legal, I'm sure your referring to the people though that do seem to push their way through so swings and round a bouts as with everything else.

Consideration goes all ways :smile:

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