Children on bikes

a woman swerved on my mate when he was filttlering past, she ended up with a steel toe cap boot in her drivers door, bitch:001_rolleyes:
I used to roughly 13 miles to work on my push iron (in Roys terms), but I always treated the steel chariots with respect, too many don't, hence the reason for my victimisation of MOMs. Don't get me started on ****s, you know women who have had kids and only work TuesWedsAndThurs cos they can, whilst joesoap pays for them....
Awaiting my ban .....
there are some pretty terrible attitudes towards cyclists on here, but you wouldn't expect much else from a car forum I guess.
swerving towards people and throwing things at them as you pass? you need to grow up, respect on the road works both ways. i agree that cyclists shouldn't run red-lights and make a nuisance of themselves, but most don't, it's that you only take note of the ones that do.

maybe you should take some time to think that next time you're about to do something stupid you could very easily kill somebody
Take the stick outta your ass. Do you really think I throw bottles of water out the window at people on bikes? Its just a bit of banter.
I believe all cyclist should have some form of registration or something to cycle on the road, and I cycle a lot when my arms working. ?

On 2 occasions I've nearly had a cyclist run into the side of my car due to them jumping red lights which in itself really rattles me. If they had damaged my car I'd have been left with the bill which I think is wrong.

I know I love banging on about Switzerland, but get this:

Another very typical "Swiss thing" is the so-
called Velovignette (velo = bicycle) . Many
people in Austria (and probably also elsewhere)
mistake this with a number plate , so I 'm going
to spend some time elaborating what it really is.
It's not at all a number plate although , of
course, it contains numbers. The little sticker is
simply a mandatory liability insurance for cyclists
covering third- party claims of up to 2 million
CHF. It has to be replaced every year (indicated
by the largest two digits one the colored
background), lasts from the 1 st of January to
the 31st of May in the following year. Since
every Swiss cyclist has to have such a sticker, the
insurance is really cheap - - it costs about 6 CHF
(that's only 4 € for more than a year!) .

Good idea. Now bring it here :smile:

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