Census 2011

In the history of the census has anyone actually been fined? I find it very intrusive. My mum works as Market researcher and is often told where to find a specific type of person, when she asks how they know where types of people are she gets told
From the last census information.....that doesn't seem very confidential?
In the history of the census has anyone actually been fined? I find it very intrusive. My mum works as Market researcher and is often told where to find a specific type of person, when she asks how they know where types of people are she gets told
From the last census information.....that doesn't seem very confidential?

That's wrong. Census information is confidential for 100 years.

Plenty of companies know more about me than what I've just filled in. My mortgage provider for instance knows all about my house and job, plus much more such as my exact earnings, addresses for the last however many years etc.