BBC Frozen Planet "Fake" Scenes

Totally agree, I dont see the problem, the point of the programe is to inform, educate and entertain and if that means they have to shoot some scenes in a zoo then so be it. You can't very well put a cameraman in a polar bears den, he would get eaten... Nuff said.
I have more of of problem on the complete left wing bias and "the science is settled" climate change nonsense at the Beeb. At least this wasn't CGI - but then if it was, so what.

And I'll not be forgetting their cockup on F1 in a hurry.
I couldn't care less, their great programs to watch and educational and at the end of the day is a bear in the wild giving birth going to be different to one giving birth in a zoo, the end result is still the same

It wont be long before we hear more complaining from these muppets when they realise 85% of stuff on youtube is fake
Some people have such a poor grasp on reality they don't know a**e from elbow. It really infuriates me that someone hasn't got anything better to do than complain that a few seconds of 4 years filming was in a zoo. If we are completely honest the poles are protected regions anyway so what is the difference?

@930Tech, that is a similar statement I put on Mike's FB page yesterday lol!
who cares if it was filmed in a zoo, what are the chances of getting a shot like that in the wild, still got a glimpse of something amazing, there is honestly bigger things going on in this world than the BBC using some footage from a zoo