Arranged a test drive of a ST

There's loads of options out there for performance upgrades. Much more than was ever available for the MK3 Clios.
Focus RS engine conversion for around 5k + Audi TT gearbox conversion 2.5k = weapon of mass distruction.

Not been looking at a Fiesta but I've been making enquiries about the VAG gearbox conversion for mine.
Renaultsports are dropping like flys

Enjoy the test drive!

It's a shame, everyone seems to be going at once! I can't talk though, i've just done the same :worried:

Down to finance deals imo.

I wanted a 200T with all the options (well nearly) at £23k, i wanted to put 18k deposit down and i still couldn't get 0% apr.

Then they did the 20% no vat offer on the 265 group stock. The cheapest car they had in group stock was 25k and the most expensive was just over 28k but yet again there was no vat.

I would pay even with large deposits (imo) 2-3k interest which with the deprecation just doesn't make the numbers stack up. Especially when i paid 24.5K for the trophy with 0% apr.
