Area Reps

I will put my hands up and say I do bugger all in my area, however with that said if you look at the map of where members are located there are like 3 of us that are truly in the South West with me being right the way down the map.

Not sure what I can do for my area, as most member like I say are located in and around the Bristol area. Any attempt to get a meet going results in a disagreement of where to meet up lol


as long as the rep tries and has a go!

some reps havent done or arranged anything in their areas for ages

but like alot things in life this forum is run voluntarily and jobs and home life has and does come first...
Being an Area Rep is much harder than it first seems. Organising isn't too bad, but getting people to attend is very difficult. I had a couple of successful meets, and some not so. Currently hold the West Midlands title for the MPS owners club. Had 1 person conformed the day before the meet on Sunday, who owned a Mazda 323F! So cancelled it.
The biggest problem for reps is, as has already been said, lack of interest. But there are many successful meets too.

It is so annoying when you put in an effort to book stuff for people then they all drop out....I've done 4 ring trips and had "I can't come, I sneezed" kind of excuses.

I think of all the meets I used to organise on ZSOC and Saxperience, the fallout rate on them was huge!!!!!
The biggest problem for reps is, as has already been said, lack of interest. But there are many successful meets too.

It is so annoying when you put in an effort to book stuff for people then they all drop out....I've done 4 ring trips and had "I can't come, I sneezed" kind of excuses.

I think of all the meets I used to organise on ZSOC and Saxperience, the fallout rate on them was huge!!!!!

when i have done run outs etc i usually base it on only 50% of those that said yes will actually come....and so far its not been far of the mark :innocent:

cant beat the rs forum/here/twingos that all turned up at whitby abbey think it was nearly 50 cars :headphone: those were tha days :innocent:
Being an Area Rep is much harder than it first seems. Organising isn't too bad, but getting people to attend is very difficult. I had a couple of successful meets, and some not so. Currently hold the West Midlands title for the MPS owners club. Had 1 person conformed the day before the meet on Sunday, who owned a Mazda 323F! So cancelled it.


Theres always some who drop out of meets but some of the run outs i try Organising have went well,If no one turns up im more than happy to crack on:thumbup1:
Being an Area Rep is much harder than it first seems. Organising isn't too bad, but getting people to attend is very difficult. I had a couple of successful meets, and some not so.

Yeah, this exactly. It can be hard work, but we take the job knowing that.

This is also why I do a lot with ClioSport, because between the forums there's a lot of good guys and a lot of activity.

Went to a cracking meet on Monday night in Bridgnorth with three guys and some CS guys.

I remember my first meet as area rep on here. Put it on here and asked the CS rep to put it on there too.

Got a solid turnout of around 20. 17 of which were CS members haha!

If only all 197/CS members could be as open minded and mingle we'd have a lot more meets. :tongueout:
We never struggle to get numbers in The NW, I mean we don't get fifty people but we always get enough yo make a go of things. We keep it simple and meet on the last Thursday of every month. It's the same hardcore few each time with a few new faces or occasional visitors each time too. We've a few things planned for the coming months that we've spoke about at meets but due to me having quite literally the month from hell in May, I've barely been online to organise anything yet. I'll get on later and have a catch up.

Being a Rep doesn't take up much time, it isn't a massive amount of work, it's just you have to commit to being the one that makes the decisions and sets times and places. Even if that means the odd person will moan, it's just tough, if one person can't attend on a set date or time but ten people can then you just have to be bullish and carry on with the arrangements.

Meets and events don't have to be expensive either. Most of ours have been meeting up for a pint and some food at a pub and they've been a right laugh as well. Everyone works and most people have family plans for the weekends so it's just a case of finding days or times that work well with your region and your own hardcore of members...
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In all fairness Southampton central area meets seem to be very rare. The last one we tried there was me,nimbus197, shakey and fair play to nutnut for coming all the way down. Ended up bumping in to other members whilst there but was a shame we couldn't meet up as a bigger group :/

I have to admit with my job it can be a pain sometimes as I'm on call for the whole week every 2 weeks and even when I'm not on call its hard work to avoid a 12hr day but most Sundays (unless the other half books stuff with out telling me) I'm happy for a blast around and a pint :wink:
Seems that there are more and more owners around Beds and Bucks too but those meets are organised under the region of London & South East. Which is a bit poo because when other meets are arranged in the same "region" it normally is in Essex/Kent which for the Beds/Bucks lot is a bit of a mission ... Just my input :tongueout: