Amish: World's Squarest Teenagers


Platinum Member
Has anyone else been watching this series?

Long and short of it is five teenagers from the Amish community in the USA come to Britain to experience the outside world before they return to their community to be baptised.

Amish people are not allowed make up, jewellery, electricity, petrol, technology etc etc.

Really puts our own lives into perspective.

Whole series so far is here:

Really interesting!
lmao i know, would i be able to work or do they just have to be self sufficiant?
god sure if u took them on a track day they would soon change there minds about not being allowed petrol haha
Quite a lot to be said about their values and outlook on life!

Really is an interesting program!
Channel 4 documentary. It really is interesting!

Puts how we live into perspective!

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