Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

Links in your sig not working Tom as links wasn't allowed in your permissions. Ive updated it so you'll have to update your sig now to get the links working.
Links in your sig not working Tom as links wasn't allowed in your permissions. Ive updated it so you'll have to update your sig now to get the links working.

Great thank you! Weirdly when I clicked on them they took me to where they should have. I've gone back and updated them now i think! Hopefully that works.
Spent quite a lot of time reading and posting in every one else's build threads and realised i hadn't put any photos in mine for a while.

Got my self a little stash of tyres in the garage. 4 of them are mounted to my Clio 200 rims which are freshly powder coated after the last Cadwell date.

De ja vu here!
Yes that is another set of wheel powder coated gloss black making it 3 sets in total. Only going to be using two of these though and fitting a spare pair of dry tyres to them to take to track days just in case anything happens such as tyre problems. Also gives me the chance to take the tyres right down to their last legs, if that happens half way through the track day i can throw on the spare set.


Interesting one, I know a few people were interested in where I went with the Arduino logger.
Anyway, I moved away from Version one which used an LCD screen that displayed the current gearbox temp and the max recorded temp for a slightly cleaner install.
installed the Arduino in the glove box with an ignition power feed and just the gearbox temp input to start with.
I've piggy backed and SD slot onto the top of the board and written to code to calc the gearbox temp from the resistance of the sensor and write the recorded temperature of the gearbox to the SD card at 30 second intervals.
This can be checked by either plugging in the laptop to the circuit board or by taking the SD card out of it and checking it on a device with an SD slot.
Looking forward to seeing what temps are recorded at Oulton in just over a week

I've just replaced the gearbox oil after the last track day but done a lot of online shopping recently and stocked up on oils for the track day box.
The Castrol is for the Gearbox on the van. That his 48k this week so thought it was time I replaced the gearbox oil considering I service the engine every 10k.


Finally, more cameras!
I've picked up a cheap go pro Hero from ebay for £50. While it isn't bluetooth i'll be mounting that one on the cage just over my left shoulder or in the front windscreen. The hero + is Wireless/Bluetooth so will be using that for more creative angles and passenger reaction cams. Nice and easy to start the bluetooth one with my phone as it's mounted in a 3D Prtinted phone holder right in the middle of the center console, displaying OBD Data if required but mainly the go pro display and lap times.
Looking forward to trying that out at Oulton too as I should have quite a few passengers in on the day.


Short and sweet for the time being, will be more to come after the weekend when the final adjustments are done for Oulton. I'll get some photos up of the latest colour scheme too in it's full glory.
Great update Tom!

What a stack lol!

Did you 3d print yourself or have it commissioned?

Cheers Chris.
I've got access too about 4/5 printers through work and actually deliver CAD. Not sure if I ever posted up the design I did.

Great update mate! I’ll look forward to getting some good pics and some fly bys!!

Awesome! Are you there next week? Drop in and say hello if you are!

@Pav I don't mind investing in things which will always maintain their value. Only paid £100 for the wheels, got them powdercoated so will always make my money back on them if I need and the tyre's will always get used.
Only run the MT90 oil in the Clio. The other oil was for the van gearbox.
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Cheers Chris.
I've got access too about 4/5 printers through work and actually deliver CAD. Not sure if I ever posted up the design I did.

Awesome! Are you there next week? Drop in and say hello if you are!

@Pav I don't mind investing in things which will always maintain their value. Only paid £100 for the wheels, got them powdercoated so will always make my money back on them if I need and the tyre's will always get used.
Only run the MT90 oil in the Clio. The other oil was for the van gearbox.

Wouldn't mind having a look at them mate :smile:
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Would love to see your design for the phone holder. Didn't really think about how the phone would be secured when I had mine 3D printed, although it's still going strong.
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Here's some photos of the phone mount. Slots right into the CD slot. I've designed it to fit around the charger case I use for my iphone rather than the iphone it's self. Means the phone can be running all day without having to charge it.




I also forgot to add this photo to the post yesterday. Passed it's MOT last weekend with the clean bill of health. 2,300 miles between the last MOT's.

Here's some photos of the phone mount. Slots right into the CD slot. I've designed it to fit around the charger case I use for my iphone rather than the iphone it's self. Means the phone can be running all day without having to charge it.




I also forgot to add this photo to the post yesterday. Passed it's MOT last weekend with the clean bill of health. 2,300 miles between the last MOT's.


Very clever!!!

Wish I could afford one of the home 3D printers. They will hopefully come down in price in the next 5 or so years. I’ll be starting cad next year!
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@Chris if you need anything printing let me know, sure I can sort something out!

Got the trailer picked up yesterday. Got a nice week's worth of prep ahead of me now in the evenings.
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Little bit of an update as the track preparation continues.
I added on an additional 30' of camber two track days ago and set the toe roughly by eye and feel, also re shimmed the rear beam after the last Cadwell date to remove the 1 deg of rear toe in that was there after lowing the car.

Dropped the car off at my local place which have excellent knowledge of setting up their own race cars and got them to check the alignment to see how far away it was and make any small adjustments if required.

Toe on the front required a little bit of toe out on the front left but nothing major.
The shims have brought the rear axles to exactly where I wanted it, just shy of parallel.

Worth noting for anyone who has lowered their car and not had the rear beam shimmed you'll be running similar to 1 degree of toe in total on the rear beam. See the post number 291 on Page 15 has the print out before shimming.

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