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The Story so far.......

Two weeks till the end of the big fat tosser called leg-end that was short (story not him) of a few pounds to buy a stupidly fast but ultimately characterless horse called Barry with dodgy hooves and no eyes but massive balls.

Unlike his brother Alberto the Midget who was miniature but also obese and almost spherical because he caught Wayne Rooney bloke making love to a mouse called Rango who was Gay, but also attracted to salmon with big mouths who liked eating jellied eels govenor that tasted like a sewage works or the inside of a Saxo driven by Mike, like a granny just faster than jimmy crankies knickers, no kickers or socks, just suspenders the ones Paul, that smells fishy, uses for his national RS meets with sweets and then I awoke wearing a thong, one white sock, 5 gold rings, an eye patch and a squid.

"Ooarrrghhhhhhh me heartys" said the hooker to the prop, "got a peg - that seriously stinks does that - cheesy like my pants, you stink round during this month. Have you poopt? nice sex wee little scots man in his 197 over yonder and far far away in the land of make believe."

A 200 is 197s evil cousin driven by conservatives and gay boys singing out loud In pink bikinis and yellow shorts showing their bum-cheeks taking iit large while on the...Oh What's Occurring Drunk man slurring that Yorkshire is full of shunters and dirty little blue fur poodles with fake fur....

in their VXR's