Can you clear one doubt for me?
The battery label states 48Wh, which for a 12V battery means it's a 4Ah battery. Will it have enought cranking currant to start the car? And how fast will it discharge if you're not running the engine?
In mine I have a generic gel one with 16Ah and it's not hard to be on the low side of charge if the car is parked for over 1 month. Given that one has 4 times less capacity I would keep an open eye on the subject.
EDIT: It's 84 and not 48, so that makes it a 7Ah, almost double, but still low compared to what is usually seen in the automotive applications
The battery was used for over 18 months on a track car which was used once a month and it had no issues. I asked today the persons car it came off and he had done the research on it initially but cannot remember what the exacts where my car is used regularly so (hopefully) it's not going to be an issue but it's got a status indicator but will keep an eye on it.. as I mentioned I haven't paid for it so it is a bit on an experiment. I've just been 10 miles the and 10 miles back and I all seemed fine..
However on another note

So that's a saving of just under 17.5kg