Been a while since an update.
Car was running bad for a while and couldn't figure out what it was. Had a missfire issue which i pinpointed down to the upstream lambda quickly so changed it out. Car stopped misfiring but felt down on power, tried so much stuff. Changed sparks, coil pack, oil/filter, dephaser, dephaser solenoid and cam sensor. It felt better after this but still not right. I eventually got it to a dyno today:
Turns out she was only making 151hp

. I then thought about the cat, it has always rattled a bit when cold and I also thought it may have been damaged when the lambda packed in and over fuelled the engine.
Got it up on the ramp, disconnected the exhaust to have a look inside and lo and behold:
It has collapsed and turned sideways, blocking up the exhaust. got the grinder out then cut the

out then welded back up.
So happy to have the car back to full health again, fell out of love for a bit. Bit annoyed I spent all the money on previous parts but at least the engine will be running strong. Plus I now have full de-cat which means nice pops on the upshifts

. Also have a nice paper weight from the internals!