My clio mk3.

To be honest I think there's so many variables when it comes to insurance that you can't make links with other peoples quotes. I mean I'm 20 and my insurance is about £1300 with admiral but I have no no claims. Postcode lottery and all that I reckoln! But you'll be amazed how the price will suddenly drop. I've moved from a 1.4 Corsa D, and the price suddenly went from ridiculous to affordable almost overnight :S
To be honest I think there's so many variables when it comes to insurance that you can't make links with other peoples quotes. I mean I'm 20 and my insurance is about £1300 with admiral but I have no no claims. Postcode lottery and all that I reckoln! But you'll be amazed how the price will suddenly drop. I've moved from a 1.4 Corsa D, and the price suddenly went from ridiculous to affordable almost overnight :S

Just quoted now with admiral on a 197 and its came to 3grand .. :/ guna try a quote when i get 3 years no claims hopefully it drops!
I had the same problem when I first wanted a 197 then it suddenly came down plus me getting a new job nicked it down £400 I think it's just look postcode lottery like you said mate what ever it is there is only one person winning the insurance company lol
Washed my car today and tried the clay bar out for the 1st time, it dunt half clean it and make the paint work smooth!
I wouldn't slam it mate. I had a corsa d before, and alot of people on corsaduk slammed theirs. It makes the car SO impractical and imo looks silly. Just lower it mate
Tbh mate I want slam it I would get the Sx kit instead what's it lowerd by mine was quite low on 45mil h&rs and when put 25mil spacers on the gap was nearly closed lol