I wish i was dead!!

Yeah there is - seems a bit pricey to me - I bought mine for less than that last year with 5000 miles on the clock. it might have more optional boxes ticked though...
There was a lad on ZSOC who bought a brand new Fiesta ST, had it 4 days and binned it big style because the alloy wheel failed on it.

He got a payout because of GAP insurance, but because he had to claim under his own policy, he couldn't afford the same car again :worried::worried::worried::worried:

He bought a Mk 5 Zetec S for about £10k cheaper, and loves it to death now.

LY one FTW. DO IT! :smile::smile::smile:
Why would you need to go for a 197? Everything will be fine, dont look on the bad side of things yet. :smile:
GAP insurance will cover any short fallings, and should provide you with a brand new car. Its what you paid it for.
honestly mate its called total loss cover in some places and yes they pay off ure finance and replace like for like.
you should be laughing then mate . . . . . i want ure alloys lmao sorry
Then they will get you a brand new replacement. Just inform everyone of whats happening. Get in tough with Renault, start the process off and advise them your insurance assessors have written the car off.
I thought u hadnt got gap lol or i wudve told you that wen u first posted lol
Have your insurance company given you a settlement yet? They should pay whatever they will off to the finance company, and work with the GAP insurance underwriters to sort out everything. Just keep a calm head and if you have legal advice with your insurance company use it. :smile: It helps that the finance is with Renault, as it simplifies the process of clearing the remaining debt and ordering the new car etc.

Ive never personally been through this experience, but it should be quite straightforward.
Sorry Woody was in a bit of a state when i first posted.

Gonna get the GAP policy out now and give it a read, the insurance havent given me a settlement offer at the moment but when they do i'll get in touch with the GAP insurance.
Or shall i get into contact with them before that??

Do i need to get in contact with Renault aswell?
just contact the gap cover provider and let them know get the ball rolling then, if they ask for a figure tell them they have to chase up the insurer

you shudnt have to do any work mate, thats what u pay insurers for
Yeah shouldnt but insurance companies aint helpful which ive found out lol

Ok will phone them tomorrow