doubles rank 1 unbeaten in Europe
Team was various in the top
Doubles rank 3 in Europe lost once
Team again was various in the top
Pretty much it after that so quite a few years ago - MW3 / Black Ops and all the others ive not been huge fan off. Find the games have too many kids on and too many people just hiding in a bush which does my head in and makes it annoying/boring to play. Plus they have tried to make the games too balanced now so its harder to dominate games going like 70+ kills to sub 10 deaths every time. Good old days of COD4 with an M16 and spray spots on every mapthen MW2 just using a UMP
- those were by FAR the best call of duties
Haha there is still always the go to gun on every cod though eh!
Haha COD4 back in the days, used to rush back home and team with people from school. Those were the days.
Quite a record though mate! Was that on gamebattles or another competitive website?