Work pictures thread .........How do you fill the gap between weekends ?


That would make light work of unruly back garden. Holy mother of Pearl that is gigantic ! Have we learnt your fetish tonight Mes ?

Going back to the blades quickly.

Looking down the back of one....bear in mind these are 20 ft+ (?) 'high' here:


And for some idea of scale. Heres our HGV with 5 ton Hi-Ab crane on the back; beside just one small, spindly Turbine blade.....

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Couple of 'interesting' pics from Friday:

1. Offshore platform already in for decommissioning: Legs and accommodation module now together one last time ready to be hacked up for scrap.[That's a pretty large skip bin underneath the left side of it for size reference].


2. Boat that delivers 'renewables' ; wind-turbine parts. Basically was the biggest floating shed you've ever seen ! If you look closely - you can see one of the main structures emerging and being unloaded......

Front end was "interesting" :smile:

This is one of the 'more involved' scheduled things we have to do and certainly one of the biggest things you'd plan to do before you send the aircraft away to a hangar. If something breaks on the other hand you've got no choice, it needs to be done wherever it is.

High pressure fuel pump change. (Old fuel pump on the left / fuel control unit removed for access on the right). You can just make out on the general engine pic where the pump bolts onto the gearbox (left of the pic), the fuel control unit would then be attached to the pump.

All in all about 12 hours work including fitting and testing if all goes to plan. ec6aa74af44e481f8c36f7efccf23b46.jpg347a56ebcf475188b8175752ee0e6417.jpg

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That clk dtm is just awesome.

I was scrolling through thinking the exact same...

Anyway, my boring driving job which sends me all over the place...essentially I'm 20 and driving £250k of coach, much to the disgust of some of the more 'senior' drivers..all came about when the previous driver of my coach went on long term sick and the boss realised I was actually a dab hand at fitting large things in tight places.............



@sevenfourate you'll like this next one...absolutely covered top to bottom in SRP..



I believe the words yellow takeover are in order..contract through for the new job tomorrow so will be having a ponder on whether I want to stay driving for a while longer or further myself into a Supervisor role..

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Built this low level roof today with my buddy on an extension I’m doing. Not that impressive but look at the weather:sunglasses:

Glorious. Must’ve been 20C..!

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Built this low level roof today with my buddy on an extension I’m doing. Not that impressive but look at the weather:sunglasses:

Glorious. Must’ve been 20C..!

View attachment 115347

You reckon this is what happened in Dieppe on most Friday's and now we're paying the price? :wink:
Best set a reminder for 2 years' time Ben to check all is well :tongueout:
Looks good though - must be satisfying having a tangible outcome of your work.
You reckon this is what happened in Dieppe on most Friday's and now we're paying the price? :wink:
Best set a reminder for 2 years' time Ben to check all is well :tongueout:
Looks good though - must be satisfying having a tangible outcome of your work.
Quite a bit of job satisfaction I must admit. Not always a bed of roses though..!
Drove this, and others for a local charity for 12 years until I got sick of the place & took early retirement.
I work IT/Telecoms, pays the bills but can be testing at times. I get to travel around the country and sometimes abroad so its not all bad.
Sent this bad boy out to Switzerland yesterday... Then spent the rest of the day building storage racks in the workshop. I forget the colour but it was a disgusting pale yellow. Picture doesn't show how grim it was haha.