That would make light work of unruly back garden. Holy mother of Pearl that is gigantic ! Have we learnt your fetish tonight Mes ?
Going back to the blades quickly.
Looking down the back of one....bear in mind these are 20 ft+ (?) 'high' here:

And for some idea of scale. Heres our HGV with 5 ton Hi-Ab crane on the back; beside just one small, spindly Turbine blade.....

That would make light work of unruly back garden. Holy mother of Pearl that is gigantic ! Have we learnt your fetish tonight Mes ?
Going back to the blades quickly.
Looking down the back of one....bear in mind these are 20 ft+ (?) 'high' here:

And for some idea of scale. Heres our HGV with 5 ton Hi-Ab crane on the back; beside just one small, spindly Turbine blade.....