What do we think???

Bring it on I say. I sit at 70mph with the cruise control on in the Astra and just about every car overtakes me. So IMO it won't change anything except they will now be doing it legally.
Is it not 80 already?? Could have fooled me!

I think the best change is 20 in town...
^ +1 20 in built up areas should be the norm. As for motorways id even say go faster, lets say a round 100. That's what most van drivers are trying to achieve these days.
Agree about the 20 as for the motorway it's a move in the right direction
I usually stick the cruise on at 80 which works out to be 76-77mph GPS measured.

Sometimes I slow down sometimes I go faster depending on the road and time of day.

I think specific motorway speed limits are a bit lazy, there are circumstances and motorways where 80 would be suicidle. Likewise there are plenty you should be able to go faster.
Only problem is that 90 will become the new 80,

what gets me is the limit was originally 110, and was reduced in the 70s due to fuel shortages, then never returned when the shortage ended, also at that time there werent that many cars that could reach that speed anyway. So how long will it be before they decide to go back down again before fuel reserves start to diminish.
I was watchin some 'cops' program the other night where they gave a ticket to someone going to slow on a motorway (doing about 40 i think) (oh and it wasn't in the uk)
I wonder how many people have had tickets in the uk for this?
Being down in Cornwall it makes no difference to us, even so, don't think I would drive that fast anyway, costs to much in fuel lol

I stick at any where between 60 and 70 now.
Not really bothered tbh. But 20 in towns. Are you mad? All I drive when I am at work is around Wolverhampton city and 30 is too low!
I doubt it will make any difference to be honest as motorway congestion is caused by dicks cruising at 65 in the middle lane and with the limit increased they will just continue to cruise in the middle lane regardless.

They need to impose a MINIMUM speed limit to get the "lowest MPG save my fuel bill" people out of the inside lane that force the LGV's into the middle lane to overtake them.
I'll still only stick to 65, just to get better MPG. I'm surprised no one has come out with the "Environmental affect" yet...

But I can't see it improving anything to be honest.