Ultraleggreas on Meg

Get your self in the group buy they would look the bizz on your motor:drool:

+1 those Superlegeras are seriously hot

Fortunately due to the 114 pcd the choice of available wheels for the 250 is much better so why stick with OZ?
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Just to throw my 2p worth in. I think it would look AWESOME on those ultra's. I don't really like either of the OEM wheels on the Meg, the cup ones are ugly and the non cups are too blingy, these look much more purposeful :smile:
+1 those Superlegeras are seriously hot

Fortunately due to the 114 pcd the choice of available wheels for the 250 is much better so why stick with OZ?

Think the group buy is for OZ so will be a good deal,I would of had a set of superlegeras for mine but will not fit:'(
If anyone's selling a set of 250 wheels drop me a PM I'm looking for a track set, they don't come up often!