Ultra Red

Does anyone have own or have any pics of a 200 in Ultra red with black roof and black speedlines? Aint ever seen one with this combo of colour/wheels... Cheers
Someone on here has that spec, with the gt spoiler too. It made me have a little sex wee when I saw it! Lol! I love UR!
Renault Leicester has got that exact spec unreg in there showroom, saw it about am hour ago!
Great spec for a 200 this, I think if I were to buy one it would be a hard choice between Storm, LY, and UR!
Im liking this and storm grey. TBH i dont mind white either but iv got a white Fiesta ST at the mo and all i seem to see these days is white cars. Lookin at getting a 200 around march time..
There you go!




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