Tyre shine recommendations please

looked it up on you tube. like what i'm seeing. thanks for the tip.
Me too. Loved the look applied undiluted ! I have an unused bottle here too..... :smile:

No problem lads, I was looking ages ago for a good plastic darkener, PERL was rated highly, then I found the tyre shine use, my Indian-ness (aka tightness) said sorted lol.

It also does not fling at all, so even more awesome :smile:
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I use CRC tyre dressing foam. It is really easy.
Just spray it for wheel, let it dry. You then have semi gloss nice shine. Really easy, it takes 1 minutes to do 4 tyres.



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Be very intrested to see how you all get on with the pearl! I.e. Those that haven't used it and how the tyres look after the car is used in heavy rain and wet roads.
Right thanks to an offer on EuroCarParts I've ordered some Auto Finesse Satin Tyre Gel.
I shall report back in due course.

Cheers :smile:
Right thanks to an offer on EuroCarParts I've ordered some Auto Finesse Satin Tyre Gel.
I shall report back in due course.

Cheers :smile:

I would advise against buying car cleaning products from ECP. They inflate the prices so the deals look amazing. Satin can be had from Auto Finesse direct for less.

The lather shampoo 1l is £30 RRP on ECP so when you use the code it goes down to above the actual RRP which is £20 from AF direct!

Dirty tactics...
I would advise against buying car cleaning products from ECP. They inflate the prices so the deals look amazing. Satin can be had from Auto Finesse direct for less.

The lather shampoo 1l is £30 RRP on ECP so when you use the code it goes down to above the actual RRP which is £20 from AF direct!

Dirty tactics...
I've had some great deals on Meguiars through ECP but I always check elsewhere first.
@Big Ben
@Antti O

***Copied you all in; as this seemed to be quite a popular topic !

Clio might be cleaned tomorrow if she's lucky :smile: So very early this morning i tackled the wife's. Literally.

Anyway. Take one freshly snow-foamed, cleaned and waxed Punto:


And one very dry and never prepped (By me) tyre:


Apply one coat of CarPro PERL applied undiluted from the bottle with a sponge:


Allow to dry and apply second coat (Could hardly notice any difference here):


Allow to dry and spot the difference:


And close up of split-line:


Finish the other half.....job done ! And the sun even appeared for the last two piccies...


Looks great IMO. Shine without too much 'fake' gloss. Will be interesting to see what the finish is like once dry for a few hours (Feels fairly dry to the touch after only 1/2 hour TBH); and of course how it holds up in the coming days / weeks:

It's good isn't it Shuv? It applies easily, dries nicely and doesn't fling.

Glad you had some to try, I really rate the product for plastics alone, so tyre shine is a lovely added bonus
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