Tow Eye Thread Size, 20mm?...


The Gatekeeper
Platinum Member
Am I right in thinking that that thread on the Towing Eye is 20mm on the 197?

I have somebody who can machine up bar/adaptors for TRS Loops, just need the bar diameter and I'm too comfy to go and check mine... :smiley:


Cheers N0ddie!!! :smile:

He's one of my customers at work, sussed out the other measurements and forgot the diameter, d'oh.

I'll get some photos up once it's done, if it works that is and if anybody likes it and wants one doing then I'll see what he'll charge for doing them.
If I've got the design and measurements right then it will be strong enough to be useable and won't require bumper cutting or removal to fit either. :wink:
Dropped my drawings off this morning, all is well and I'll be back after the weekend to collect it. :smile:
Yeah of course, I'm back there on Weds so I'll put some up then. They're charging me £35 and making it from steel by the way, so I'll be giving mine a lick of paint. But they'd also be able to do them in stainless if preferred, althought I imagine that would be a little dearer. If a few people want one then they'd probably drop the price too.