Too Hot

hey guys I was listening to a CD with MP3s on it and suddenly my CD popped out and on the screen it said "too hot" the CD was very hot to touch - what the hells this about?? anyone else had this?

*should say I was driving for about 2 hours or so*
standard equipment and it was just random songs from queen to light dance music... yes I listen to queen and I'm 23 but damn some of there songs are good!
I'm also 23 and a big queen fan, I'll put the platinum collection on tomorrow and let you know if it gets too hot to handle, I suspect it probably will :wink:
Chilli Peppers?!

LMAO :foxspeed:

My CD's are always warm when they come out but never been to bad. I surprised there is a temp sensor in there TBH unless Ren knew it would get warm!? Had you been hammering it before it displayed the message? I know you had been going 2hrs but if you had been revving it too then it could be the exhaust heating the back of the CD player... Its never been a problem for me though while I have been out.
If you had the heater on with the cd player then that might have been the problem. Has anyone ever felt the cup holders after having the heater on feet? You could actually keep a cup of coffee warm for an entire journey of epic proportions from it! I sware there is no outlet for the heat to be blown, you just warm off the nearly melting plastic! Lol!
had climate control on at 22C and I was at 4k RPM for about 50 miles on the motorway engine temp was the 2nd line up the one before the middle so normal

the cd was very burny as I put it against my face to see how warm it was
lol you guys are to much! yeah I ripped some cds I have and stuck em on in MP3 format my songs from itunes didnt work :worried:
lol you guys are to much! yeah I ripped some cds I have and stuck em on in MP3 format my songs from itunes didnt work :worried:

I wasn't actually joking on my last comment but having read it again I realise the pun.
The reason I ask is because they (cds and mp3s) work in different ways when reading the info on the cd. The result might mean hot hot hot cd that "burny burny your facey face" lol

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