Apologies gents, it was a bit of both.
Collected this afternoon, connected to car to copy original map/install pc software & connect bluefin to communicate with Superchips server. It would not connect (possible my work server as i work for a bank and access is restricted) Called superchips at 1600 and they done some checks of server address and agreed to manually do the map upload. So was talked through xtracting files from bluefin and uploading modded one. 1630 sent files and 1710 got my modded one back (they shut at 1700).
As I collected, and its not really a sales outet there, i was served by one of their software guys and they do have a passion for what they do and very helpful..
So customer service = 10/10
Now the bit you have been waiting for.
Took 5 mins to load modded map after work. On 1st three starts, i noticed the engine did crank over for an extra couple of seconds but fine after that.
Drive - I live in mkeynes which is mainly dual carriageways with lots of roundabouts and I did notice the flat spot low down was improved and the car did rev better to the point I was changing sooner than i usually do under the same acceleration and hit the rev limiter on two occasions as it does pull that little bit harder at the top end where it peaks and did not expect it.
Definately better driveability and over the weekend will do the without and with test. I can definately say there is a nice improvement.
Test over the weekend will be how it does with the 64mm TB back on now that the fault with my car is sorted sorted out why before it was not settling in..
Bonus, as the map was uploaded manually, I can view the modded map. Not looked at as I have been busy playing hehe
Data logging point - The unit has this functionality as well as ecu fault code read/clear, vehicle immobilisation from bluefin and even the remote wont start it. You can also swap maps back and forth as many times so warranty/dealer peeps can keep their hair on.
Right off for another blast & fill up.
Thanks again for the link share and cant believe I already spend 400 notes in two weeks on tweeks. shocking!!