Speed camera detector advice

Any 'Gatso' speed camera on the motorway is simply there for revenue! You know them crafty ones where they put them just a few yards further down where the speed limit drops to 50 from a national speed limit. A good example of that is the m11, a406 turn off! That one was even on the news! That camera caught the most people speeding out of any other camera in Britian! That's an unfair place to put one imo.

Them Average speed cameras piss me off thought because you dont know what there set out to allow! I mean its soo easy to get carried away like to do 5mph over the speed limit. But ive seen people whiz along in the average speed zones! I always wonder if they'll get caught or not, but i set my cruize control to 53/54 when in the average speed zone...never had a ticket for it.
As the law stands you get 10% +2mph, so in a 70 thats 79 mph, I have heard that upto 96 you will get a fixed penalty, anything over that and your in court but it is always at an officers discretion.

the thing with average speed cameras is that when the home office tested them for approval they only tested them for single carriageway use meaning that if you enter the zone in one lane and leave in the zone in another then you can't be prosecuted. The distance between the cameras also has to be within a set limit, I think its around 3 miles. All this information is available on the home office website but I don't have the link on me.

having said that, I wouldn't risk it as after all the cameras are there to protect the workforce. Wether or not the workforce its there is a different matter.

It does make me chuckle to myself when you see people coming upto the average speed camera and braking like mad, do they not get what the word average means!

Then there is the varible speed limit cameras like on the M1 & M6, not sure if these are turned on when the sign is off as iv seem people go through these at 100+ but if the sign is on and, the speed has a red ring around it then it is a legally enforceable limit.
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