Something Different


200T Test Pilot
Platinum Member
Cleaned the car today and did this to my seat backs

I did it more out of being intrigued/bored but i actually kinda like it




Maybe without the monster sticker which I think are a bit played out now tbh..
i literally flipped a coin on the monster sticker.....

think ur right tho rob
yup, i agree, not only is Monster really played out, its like drinking tramp urine.

but i like the rest!

Did they stick ok to the rough plastic of the seat backs?
I could maybe go for something like that, minus the moster sticker but in matt black so it's a little more subtle.

I had a large recaro sticker made up for the passenger side recaro bracket but in matt black so it did'nt hit you in the face when you opened the door.
looks good man something different. i would have gone for just the recaro and renault sport stickers so it's a bit less in your face :wink:

I tried sticking a sticker to the backs but it just fell off, mind you i tried doing it when it was quite cold...
Yeah I like, something different and miles better than the normal 'shopping list' on the doors...

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