Sign The Sun fuel tax petition

Ridiculous isnt it! Makes me so angry when I see it going up, we have one of the most expesive fuel rates in the world!

Image below shows how much tax we pay of fuel! It goes by litre being 1.27, £1 of it is tax and VAT!

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Also done. I ticked the box to say no adverts, I wonder if I'll get any now though?
Gazeratti made a good point today - why do we pay Road Tax when it doesn't go towards maintaining the roads, instead we should pay to a private company who actually has to do what they say they are going to do. Opposed to the government who spend it on duck ponds and porn!?
I agree, as it can't be argued, that prices are ridiculous right now. But I will never, ever sign a petition on the SUN. A paper that, with every article, treats the reader like an idiot.

Fuel prices are rocketing, and something needs to be done. Whatever it is, it can't be done by the SUN.
Tbh the gov should reduce the tax of fuel. Why? Simples. With the price of oil on the rise it therefore means that they are getting more tax from the oil companies. So this rise from the oil companies should be mimicked at the pump with a reduction in duty.

Gov. are money thieving b@$tards.