Scum bags

Roy legend
Next door neighbour just chased of two thieving scum trying to get in my car
It's parked right under my living room window and I didn't hear a thing
Think if they would have nicked it i would have totally given up
Got a good discription so I will sit and wait tonite I don't sleep anyway so i have baseball bat at the ready even though I'm on crutches I still have a good go
Ah no, that's never nice to hear!!! It's not even particularly late!!! :worried:

W@nkers. Just be careful Roy, wouldn't want to hear that you've come to any harm. But, if they do come back and you do manage to get hold of one of them then make sure you give him a good hiding but not from behind. And then drag him into your house and ring the Police... ''Reasonable force officer, he forced his way in demanding my keys''. I sincerley hope it doesn't come to that though.
Next door neighbour just chased of two thieving scum trying to get in my car
It's parked right under my living room window and I didn't hear a thing
Think if they would have nicked it i would have totally given up
Got a good discription so I will sit and wait tonite I don't sleep anyway so i have baseball bat at the ready even though I'm on crutches I still have a good go

You contacted the police dude? always best to report anything.

Some tossers out there
Be carefull Roy.
Had this a few years ago, got cctv of a guy who tried to get into my car (but failed)
Went to the police and they said nothing they could do even if they got the chap coz he didnt get into or take my car so no crime!
Then they wonder why we use baseball bats.
Just call 999 if you see them again bud, little ******s, I had someone try and get in my car once when I was at girlfriends, he gave up after only trying to pull door handle lol.
My aunts car got set on fire on her driveway when we visited a few years back. Got woken up at about 2AM with flames coming up to the upstairs window!
Mate, there's all you need, what a bunch of @#&#$. As others have said be careful mate as these little scrotes have no respect and wouldn't care that you are on crutches if you confronted them.

Leave it to the old bill bud
Some ******s around fair play.
Can guarantee they have never owned something theyve had to work hard for.
Keep an eye out Roy, and best to tell police. Hopefully be deterred thanks to the neighbour.
Typical scum bags these days, as above Roy best to ring the old bill. Chances are they're looking for a performance car in the area, if you mention it to the cops they might send a patrol around. If they didn't take yours, you making the call could help stop them taking someone else's...
blimey little gits!! this happened to jase 2 years ago i think they'd wedged his gates open and everything while he was sleeping and tried getting his car away but think they woke him up cracking a window or something

some people just dont care about others do they
Car still here the neighbour put his van across the drive front at 01.00 this morning so it wasn't going anywhere tonite there will be one of those locked posts behind it
Phoned old bill and to be fair they were really good and a car did drive past at 02.20 this morning slowly
Big thanks for advice :thumbup:
I've got a crossbow from Canada, it always comes in handy for keeping the pests at bay lol, you wouldn't even have to get up from your living room :wink:
this makes me sick hope its alright and not damaged hope you holding up aswell roy not having the best of times are you :worried: you work hard to get you self something nice and some **** thinks they can have it id lynch the ****s
Let the old bill know...other thefts might have been attempted in your area so they will link.
Just dial the police and get a crime no too 8)
Oh n edit your first post...premeditated stuff would just get u in the doodoo!
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