Scum bags

Gutted Roy you seem to have no luck mate!

Don't dial 999 as your not in danger currently and someone else who is might not be able to get through or have there call taken as quickly!

Dial the non emergency line for your area and get a ref number then if they come back call 999 as your perceived to be in danger :smile:
Dial the non emergency line for your area and get a ref number then if they come back call 999 as your perceived to be in danger :smile:

We've just started this here with Greater Manchester Police. It's 101 up here, incase anybody ever needs it.
So what did they do Roy, try smashing the window or did they get in the house a take the card? Sorry to hear that either way though mate.
I honestly don't know Arran as it was the next door neighbour who caught them round the car no damage I can see thank god

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